Catching Up on a Few Things (Lengthy!)

First off, thank you for stopping by my blog. As you can probably see it's gone through some overhauls lately. And considering this is my first post since December 2011, it probably needed a little TLC.

So, where do I begin? Well, since the last time I put up a post a big event happened! I graduated from the Professional Photography program at Hawkeye College in Waterloo, Iowa.

A very proud 2012 graduate! 
This was truly one of my life goals. I had been approved for the program back in the spring of 2000 right before my graduation from high school but got "cold feet" when I saw the cost of equipment. So glad I decided to go back to school!

A photo taken from the Professional Photography Program's page on the Hawkeye College website. It's a little outdated but it's still pretty "Schaaaaaaaweet!"
I learned so much, some things that I already knew but much more that I didn't. Most importantly, I learned about the drive and dedication to the craft that makes a great photographer. I learned that photography is in fact more than just monkeys picking up a camera and firing the shutter button. There is an art to it. And it's an ever evolving beast that you either stay in front of or it'll steamroll you.

Me on Awards Night for the Professional Photography Department. I earned Top Photojournalism Portfolio, was presented the Lou Garcia Award for the Top Student Portrait score and 1st Place in the Top Student Award for the highest cumulative score of four images submitted into judging at the 2012 Professional Photographers of Iowa (PPI) Winter Convention. 
Through it all were my instructors. I would like to take this opportunity to personally recognize and thank them for the huge role they played in me completing the program and thank them for helping steer me back to the craft that I love so much!

(In no particular order)

Jerry Grier (M. Photog.): Okay, so I lied. I couldn't simply put this in random order. Mr. Grier proudly retired after 37 years of service to the program and played a large role in my two years at Hawkeye. I took many new perspectives to photography thanks to "Jer-Bear," as we commonly referred to him by, as well as to how photography truly is an artform and not just a the product of a bunch of idiots with fancy, expensive equipment. He will be hard to replace. I wish him the very best in his retirement and thank him for influencing me the way he did!

Larry Erickson (M. Photog., Cr.): You cannot go through the Photography Program without knowing/laughing with/laughing at/being inspired by Mr. Erickson. The man is a living, breathing legend! To say that I got formerly trained by one of the best photographers the state of Iowa has ever seen is truly an honor. And considering the fact that he didn't beat me over the head with a light meter (that he swears up and down by), I'd have to say that I came out pretty good. Larry is a genius when it comes to taking a small idea and letting it blossom into something amazing. I gave Larry quite a bit of grief in my two years at Hawkeye and sincerely thank him for putting up with me and my antics. I am a better photographer and have a greater appreciation for light and my zones because of him.

Barb Grabill (M. Photog., Cr., CPP, Past President of Professional Photographers of Iowa, MAIPP Director): Barb, Barb, Barb...where do I begin?! One of my all-time favorite instructors regardless of class or school. No other teacher could bring the amount of energy that Barb brought to every classroom lecture, demonstration or conversation. She truly is one-of-a-kind in the best way that I can think of. Her business savviness didn't happen overnight so I feel completely honored that I was able to tap into even a small portion of it. I'm sure that I only got a tip of the iceberg of all the knowledge that she's attained over the past 30+ years in the industry (that must mean that she started in photography when she was 5 or so). ;P Barb is a tremendous photographer and current working pro! You can check out her work here:

Dan Nierling: I'm pretty sure that Dan and I were long lost brothers at some point. To hear him chuckle about the zone system ("What the heck is that?!") and to hear him speak about what his photographic style is, it's almost like we're mirror reflections of each other. Then again, he has a little less hair than I do. Nonetheless, Dan pushed my photography and never accepted less than my very best. And he wasn't afraid to share with me when he thought I was getting lazy about it. What I think I'll take away the most from Dan is his famous quote: "The cream rises to the top". Now that I'm out in the "real world" of photography, I'm trying to remember that in every job that I take and every photo that I take. Dan, you are the man when it comes to teaching photography, especially photojournalism. Thank you! You can learn more about Dan and his teaching credentials here: (I highly suggest you check it out!)

Doug Benton: Doug is exactly the teacher that I needed at the time that I had classes with him. Coming from a commercial photography background that is rooted in precise, accurate measurements and planning, Doug forced my racing mind to slam on the brakes and actually sit and think about EVERYTHING. From lectures about the zone system to the founding fathers of photography, to pointing a laser pointer at a mirror to see where the reflection of light would hit, Doug forced me to jump out of my comfort zone to truly understand the finer workings of photography. He truly opened my eyes to the fact that no matter how much technology advances, no matter how fancy cameras get, the most important aspect of photography is not the equipment but rather the person working it. I truly am grateful to have been influenced by Doug and wish him continued success in his teaching career. Doug was awarded the Frank Medlar Award for Best Portrait of Show at the 2012 Professional Photographers of Iowa Winter Convention in Des Moines. You can check out his image here:

JoAnne Blumenshine (M. Artist, Cr., CPP, Ph. A): Add the fact that she can pretty much recite the entire script to National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation to her many other talents as an artist and teacher and you have one kickass lady! I truly mean that in the most sincere way that I can. JoAnne was one of my favorite, favorite teachers even if her Print Presentation class drove me to question what the hell I was doing signing up for photography. I can honestly say that I took a lot away from JoAnne's demonstrations on retouching...even though it came back to bite me in the rear come portfolio time (that's a whole other story). You can check out JoAnne's work here:

All-in-all, my experience in the Photography program at Hawkeye was very rewarding and while some photographers out there question the need for a formal education and degree/certificate (especially for a guy like me that entered the program with 13 years of experience and really no need to go back to school) I wholeheartedly believe that it is the absolute BEST decision one could make. The program was so hands on that it was less textbook readings and tests but more about learning through trying and doing and failing and coming back to redo it as many times as it took to get it right. And through the struggles you were surrounded by a handful or two of people that faced the same dilemmas you did. They let out as much blood, sweat and tears as you did. And in many cases probably more.

In the end the experience helps you weed out what you don't want to do with photography, helps shape what you do want to do with photography and begins to open doors that you didn't even know existed. Even better than that, it provides you with networking opportunities and lifelong friendships that you wouldn't have had access to anywhere else.

I apologize for this getting a little wordy but hey, it's my blog and I'll do what I want. :)


More to come later...

[(o)] JScott


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