Cupcakes and Bar Mitzvahs

Wikipedia defines a Bar Mitzvah as the "Jewish coming of age rituals ... According to Jewish law, when Jewish boys become 13, they become accountable for their actions and become a Bar Mitzvah."

I remember the email. Do you shoot bar mitzvahs?

"Um, sure!" I replied. I obviously was not going to say no. I had no clue what I was getting myself into.

About three weeks ago I had no idea what a Bar Mitzvah was. To me it was just that party that you see in the movies where they put a kid in a chair and bounce him up and down. I figured it had something to do with religion, I just wasn't quite sure how exactly.

With only a few movie scenes and a Wikipedia search under my belt, I threw myself headfirst into one as I was hired to photograph such an event for a wonderful local family.

Simply put: I had a blast!

The family starting the chair dance, a staple at many Bar Mitzvah celebrations.
There were countless friends and family members of the boy that was being recognized in attendance. Grandparents. Great food. Neighbors. Great music. Kids that seemed to be coming out of the woodwork. And cupcakes, can't forget the cupcakes! Don't let me forget to add that they were SCRATCH cupcakes! (Up until that night I had never had a Scratch cupcake so I had no idea what I was missing!) 

So why had I never been to a Bar Mitzvah before? Well I suppose since I'd never had Jewish friends growing up it was pretty obvious. But for all that I had never experienced, it felt as if I had known this family for years and knew exactly what this celebration was about. 

It was about life. 

It was about growing up. 

It was about becoming an adult while being surrounded by hundreds of other adults whose presence at the party was like them committing to being there for this young man in the years to come.

Whether I was Jewish, Christian or atheist for that matter, I could relate to that. 

[O] JScott

Special thanks go out to the family for allowing me to take part in such a special event for their son. This was a memorable event for me personally as professionally. 


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